
National Speakers Bureau

woman leading a class

Thank you for helping to make us the leader in payroll training since 1982, and thank you for sharing your expertise and knowledge with thousands of payroll professionals each year.

In our continuing effort to support our NSB members, we have created this page as a tool for you to access the information necessary to fulfill your responsibilities. You will be able to easily access your biography and various forms. For security measures, we have removed the contact list from this page. Please request the latest contact sheet from Speaker Administration, using the email address below.

Please review all of the information and instructions. If you have any questions or comments you may contact [email protected].

You may easily access the Speaker Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy Guide, Contact Information Data Sheet, and Form W-9 from this page. Completed forms should be emailed to Speaker Administration at [email protected].

The Data Information Sheet should be completed and returned if your home or business address changes. A Form W-9 must be completed if your home address changes.

Download this Excel document to complete the travel and expense report.

We have stored your current biography on this site so that you may update it when appropriate. Participants enjoy knowing about their speaker and their background. Once you have updated your printed bio, please email to [email protected].


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